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Training Methodology

Retail Training Methodology :

The new Training Methodology takes the “Blended Learning” way – this methodology uses XPs, TGs and Online Varsity (OV). Aptech students will get books through OnlineVarsity login id and password. They can refer to books, Any time, Anywhere, on Any Device, and on any Operating system (Windows, iOS, Android, Open Source). OV comprises of Students’ Course details,  E-books, CBTs, Performance record, attendance, etc. For more information on Onlinevarsity, please visit: http://www.onlinevarsity.com.

The New Training Methodology provides consistent and secure content across the globe. Textual content is presented crisply so as not to overload the learner with information. Content specific graphics and illustrations are provided to aid the learner for better retention.


Corporate Training Methodology :

Pre Training
  • Identification of training needs :Getting training requirements from the clients, analyze it and understand it.
  • Existing skills and profiles of the participants :Finding out existing skills and profiles of the participants, project on which they are working and the current understanding level of the topic.
  • Course content :Finding out course content (if any) desired by the client for the particular training program.If the client does not have one then recommending our own contents.
  • Expected skills :Once the course contents are finalized then communicating the desired skills of the participants for the training program. Finding out the domain and the functional area to which project is included
  • Identification of the right kind of the trainer : Finding out the right kind of candidate for the given training requirement from the available data or from other resources
  • Trainers interaction with the client :Arranging trainer’s interaction with the project team to check whether the trainer meets their requirements or not. This interaction is also helpful for the finalization of the content and the training duration.
  • Fine Tuning of the content :Finalization of the course content to be covered for the training programme.
  • Check list of deliverable :Making a check list of the deliverables before the training programme.
  • Duration and content :Finalization of the duration and the course content after having an interaction between the client and the trainer.
  • Availability :Finding out the availability of the trainer and expected training date from the client. Accordingly fixing up the final dates for the training programme.
  • Requirements :Getting required software, hardware and all other teaching media requirements from the trainer and communicating the same to the client.
On Training
  • Schedule and agenda :Giving the schedule and the agenda to the participants for the given training programme.
  • Batch interaction :Our trainers make sure that all the participants in the training programme interact and actively participate in the training programme. Thus we prefer the batch size of around 16 – 20 participants.
  • Study material :Giving the comprehensive study material to each participant, which is helpful for them as a reference material even after the training programme.
  • Problem solving :Our trainers always welcome questions form the participants. There is always a question-answer session on each day of the training programme. Few questions of the participants related to their project are also answered even after the training programme through mails.
  • Puzzles and case studies :Different applications and the examples are also supported by giving puzzles and case studies to solve. This is very much helpful to explain the topic in detail.
  • Trouble Shooting :Topic is also explained with the help of a trouble shooter.
Post Training
  • Feedback from the participants : After the training, feedback is taken on different parameters like
    • Communication Skills
    • Preparedness of the subject
    • Presentation Skill
    • Knowledge about the Subject,Problem Solving Skills,Punctuality,Behavior, etc.

This feedback is given on the scale of 0-5 for each day of training. We offer two different feedback forms given at the the end of the each training programme. Your feedback helps us improve.

  • Feedback from the Trainer :This includes a common feedback for the whole batch and another for individual participants. This feedback is taken on the different parameters.
  • Tests and the evaluation of the participants :After the training is over, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted and the results are communicated to the project team.
  • Follow up sessions :Some times if few questions of the participants are unanswered during the training sessions then we also arrange for the follow ups sessions.